Types Of Digital Marketing Channels

Digital Marketing is a very vast domain.Basically Digital Marketing is a System Which is made by Some Very Important Components or Parts.here we are describing every channel of digital marketing  in this blog.

Types Of Digital Marketing Channels:-

Website:. Website is collection of several webpages which are interlinked.Basically Website is essential part for every business existence online.Because Website creates online presence of any business or person.Website is uniquely identified by its domain name.It provides a medium between customer and business.
Website provides two way communication between customer and business.Basically it is two way helping protocol which promote the business at one end and give customers to their require entities.

SEO:-   SEO stands for search engine optimization.As its name defines that it is the process of optimizing your online presence(blog or website) on search engine.SEO is a technique of getting "free" ,"organic" traffic by the search page results.
 SEO is required technique to getting genuine traffic on your website or blog. Because SEO works on search engine ranking algorithms,who ranks any website or blog on the basis of their SEO level.Better SEO level better search ranking.

PPC:-   PPC stands for pay per click.Basically PPC is online advertising model in which business getting charged only when user clicked on their Ad.PPC is a technique to getting traffic by the paid medium.
PPC is a very good technique to getting traffic on any Website in shorter time.In other way we can say PPC is a model of getting traffic on any website by inorganic medium.PPC results completely depends on the Keywords use by users on search engine.Their may be different PPC results for same business behaviour.

SM Marketing:-   SM Marketing  stands for social media marketing. Social media marketing is  technique of using social media platforms for online business marketing. 
At present time Social Media Platforms Like Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, Youtube etc. are key tools for speedy customer reachability.SM marketing provides both type of traffic(organic and inorganic) on your business online presence.

Mobile Marketing:-  Mobile Marketing is a strategy of reaching customer to business by the use of smartphones.Because at present scenario everything we can done by our handheld mobile device related to online business perspective.
Mobile Marketing uses several techniques for promoting any business and customer         reachability.Some Mobile Marketing Techniques are SMS, MMS,Social Link Sharing etc.

Content Marketing:- Content Marketing is a strategy of creating and spreading relevant  contents in form of information related to your business behaviour to the customer.
Content Marketing works on principle that everything which customer wants available to customer in easier way.Content Marketing provides profitable result to every business when you define your customer domain properly.

Retargeting:-  Retargeting is the process of targeting the customers which visits your business online, But did nothing. Retargeting works with the help of cookies which saves information of customers.
Retargeting is very effective technique for business purpose because retargeting hits the customers directly who related to your business behaviour.

Email Marketing:-  Email Marketing is technique of promoting any business online by the use of email medium. Email Marketing Broadcasts commericial information to potential customer group.

Email Marketing saves the customer information by the use of redirecting the customer to the official business website when customer clicks on given information which was sent in mail.

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  1. hii @admin
    Retargeting is the process of targeting the customers which visits your business online, But did nothing.
    Digital Technology Institute
